Day 5 – Raw Soup

28 Jan

When will all this new energy start to kick in? I’ve been exhausted all day! This detoxing thing is wearing on me. I’m looking forward to going to bed and hopefully waking up refreshed tomorrow!

Jason and I spent our afternoon grocery shopping. (He’s also sleepy today, and he’s feeling a bit un-satiated – poor guy.) Grocery shopping is somewhat of an event with him. We always go to a minimum of two stores in one day, and he makes me walk a certain path through the store. He likes to walk up and down each and every aisle, even if we only need a few things, and he’ll casually take my hand if he feels I am straying off course.

It was strange, even for me, to only shop in the produce sections today – especially in Store #1, as their fruits and vegetables are way over on the other side of the shop. Fortunately I was granted a temporary detour directly there.

raw soup made with tomato and red bell pepper (capsicum)

We had a quick raw soup and salad for dinner. We ate the soup at a coolish room temperature since the weather is hot here. This raw soup can also be gently heated on the stove to serve warm.

Tomato Soup
makes 2 servings

1/2 cup cashews, soaked 3-4 hours
2 cups diced tomatoes
1 cup diced red bell pepper (capsicum)
3-4 fresh basil leaves
1/2 avocado
1 small clove garlic
1/2 tsp nama shoyu (unpasteurized soy sauce)
salt and pepper to taste

  • Liquefy all ingredients in food processor or blender. 
  • Garnish with black pepper and fresh basil.

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