Archive | August, 2013

Orange Chocolate Mousse Cake

29 Aug

Have you missed me? I’ve been off gallivanting my way through New York, and it is definitely time for me to take a break from it all to share a new recipe with you. It’s funny how many more culinary temptations I experience in my home town than anywhere else. I usually allow myself one indulgence […]

Pumpkin Pie Green Smoothie

5 Aug

I enjoyed my week of smoothies so much I am going to share with you one of my favorite smoothie recipes instead of making you wait to see it in my detox meal plan. Even though I regularly eat healthy foods, I still notice the benefits of a raw vegan green smoothie detox. I recommend […]

Raw Garden Vegetable Soup

1 Aug

My blender has been quite busy as this week as I am testing out a meal plan I created for a green smoothie detox. I am already on day 3 of 7, and I am feeling pretty good considering I should be experiencing the detoxification symptoms around this time. I felt a little hungry on […]