Tag Archives: smoothie

Raw Cream of Mushroom Soup

5 Sep

We Americans love to celebrate things. There is a day for everything and something to celebrate each day. Today is National Newspaper Carrier Day, and we have International Talk Like A Pirate Day as well as Elephant Appreciation Day coming up later this month, just to name a few. September is International Square Dancing Month, […]

Pumpkin Pie Green Smoothie

5 Aug

I enjoyed my week of smoothies so much I am going to share with you one of my favorite smoothie recipes instead of making you wait to see it in my detox meal plan. Even though I regularly eat healthy foods, I still notice the benefits of a raw vegan green smoothie detox. I recommend […]

Spicy Mango Smoothie! (Spicy Optional)

12 Mar

I love the market: mounds of fresh fruits and vegetables and loud mouthed stall-holders yelling their prices. The whole experience makes me smile. Happy Hour, or the hour or so before closing, is the highlight of any trip to the market as produce prices are too low to turn down. You might end up with 10kg […]

Day 1 – Avocado Cream Raw Pasta and the Benefits of Blending

24 Jan

Good morning! I’m starting my day with a blended green drink, or a Sludge Smoothie. Drinking vegetables gives my body a greater concentration of instantly usable vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, and chlorophyll than if I was to chew my veggies because my body can absorb them more easily and quickly when they are broken down. […]